Saturday, October 4, 2014

Family History

“Good stories – if true – make good history,” Elder Jensen said. “Remember, people, like trees, draw strength from the nutrients created by previous generations.  It is as individual’s ‘stand in the Sacred Grove’ that they are able to stay strong against opposition and find encouragement from the generations of faithful Latter-day Saints who have steadfastly stood before them. – Elder Marlin K. Jensen, CES Fireside, Church News, May 6, 2012

Monday, July 29, 2013

Friday, July 26, 2013

John- A testimony of...

Agency- Agency is such an important thing for us. I’ve really found that by listening to Conference talks that I found so much more information about agency and the important role it plays in our progression. One of my favorite expressions is that in order to truly use our agency we have to give it back to the Savior. For a while I thought this was interesting but I don’t think I really understood it. After this course I know that by choosing to follow the Savior and obey His commandments that we find the freedom and the joy the Lord wants us to have on earth. Sometimes I think I have taken my agency for granted. I am so grateful that I have been able to study the words of the apostles and prophets on agency.

Atonement- The Atonement has always been a very difficult concept. Elder D. Todd Christofferson’s talk, “Redemption”, from General Conference last April helped me to get a better grasp on the Atonement and what it means for me. Many prophets have stated that you can study the Atonement all your life and still only have a basic understanding of its magnitude. I am thankful for a stronger testimony that I have received through studying the apostle’s words.

Family- My family is one of the most important blessings in my life. As I proceeded through this assignment, I was overwhelmed with the love that I felt from the apostles and prophets. In my darkest times, it has been my family and the strength and love I receive from them that have brought me back to happiness. I am so thankful that I can be with my family for all eternity and I hope that I can help others find the blessings and joy that come through following the Lord.

Pornography- Pornography is such an evil and damaging vice not only for individuals but for entire families. President Monson once compared it to the destruction of a tree beetle that can wipe out an entire forest. Pornography has the same power. It can wipe out an entire family. By collecting these quotes on pornography, I have been impressed with the message of hope and recovery that our prophet and apostles shared. I am grateful for their plain talk and straight forward messages. We as Latter-day Saints need to stand as a beacon in the dark to show people who are afflicted by this addiction and show them the hope and peace that can be achieved through repentance.

Prayer- Prayer is a powerful tool and blessing that our Heavenly Father has given us. I have had many experiences with the power of prayer. I have been comforted in stressful times, I have been led down the right path, and I had my testimony strengthened; all through the power of prayer. I was thankful years ago to a kind and loving bishop who taught me to make it a priority to have morning and night prayers. By creating that habit, I have been able to strengthen my testimony and my family. I am thankful that Heavenly Father has provided a way in which we can communicate together and know His will.

Trial and Tribulation- This was a difficult topic for me. I know what trials and tribulations are and I have had many in my life, but I was surprised with how uplifted I felt as I read the apostles words on trials and tribulations. As we endure trials and tribulations we are strengthened and we have the opportunity to draw closer to the Lord. I understand that trials and tribulations are important in our lives because they help us to grow and become better people. I grew up in a very tumultuous family and that has given me perspective on the importance of a gospel centered family. I am actually grateful for some of my trials. I know that the Lord loves me and that the only reason we have these trials is so we can become closer to Him and eventually find our way back to His heavenly home.

Temple Blessings- My wife and I were blessed with the opportunity to work in the San Diego temple when we were first married. This wonderful blessing helped cement our love for the temple. We discovered how earnestly Satan was trying to discourage us from going to the temple. As we prepared for our temple assignment, our tempers would flare and small irritations would seem immense. We recognized this as temptation and were able to keep peace and be loving and patient on our journey to the temple.  The moment we walked through those sacred doors we felt all those worries, aggravations, and quibbles gone and we were filled with happiness and love. There have been many times when we have sought answers to troubles in our lives at the temple. We have received answers in troubling times through attendance at the temple. We have been comforted and felt such intense peace.

Faith- We are taught that we learn line upon line and precept upon precept, but in order to take that first step we must have faith. I think faith can be one of the most challenging concepts for anyone to understand. The Savior taught that all we need is the faith of a mustard seed. With that faith we can move mountains. I think it is easy to say you have faith, but it is a lot harder to exercise that faith. I have felt when I have performed blessings for my children or for the sick or afflicted, that my faith and the faith of the person being administered to are important.

Testimony- I chose testimony as one of my topics of research because I wanted to have a testimony as strong and as solid as my wife’s. She has been blessed with an unwavering testimony. I have found that to be a blessing and strength in our marriage and in our family. Over the years I have had to build my testimony and continually fan the flames or I feel the immediate weakening of my testimony. Hearing the apostles and prophet’s testimonies has been incredibly powerful and has enriched my own testimony. Throughout this year in Pathways I have formed habits in my life that bring me closer to the Lord.

Repentance- When I chose this topic, I thought that this would be more about a call to repentance rather than the blessings of repentance. We are submerged in a temporal world, surrounded by sin and temptation, and we are required to live in this world but be not of it. Since we are not perfect that requires us to repent of our sins. I am thankful for the love and joy that I feel when I have achieved repentance.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Amanda- A testimony of...

Our free agency is a gift from Heavenly Father. To make righteous choices brings us closer to our Savior Jesus Christ. Our agency is an integral part of becoming more Christ-like. Our purpose on earth requires us to learn and grow through our agency. We can find joy and peace when we make good choices. Our faith is strengthened because we have choices. Sometimes we sin, because no one is perfect. Thankfully we have a loving Father in Heaven who sent His son and allowed Him to die and atone for us. I am so grateful for agency. I am grateful to have the gospel and inspiration from the Holy Ghost to guide me in making righteous choices.

The Atonement is something I could study and pray about throughout my entire life and still not fully understand. I know that the Atonement of our Savior, Jesus Christ, is the greatest gift to mankind. When I think of this incredible act and all that it does, I am filled with overwhelming gratitude and a peaceful feeling that Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father love me more than I can even fathom. Reading the scriptures, listening to our prophets and apostles, and praying to receive a deeper understanding of the Atonement are all a very important part of my testimony, which though strong and bright, is still growing. Putting the gift of the Atonement to work in my life, through repentance and faith, will bring joy and salvation.

My testimony has been strengthened and nourished by my family. I have been so blessed to have loving parents who follow the Savior. Now I am blessed with a wonderful husband who serves the Lord and honors his priesthood. What a blessing it is to be able to teach my children about the gospel. It is a privilege and a huge responsibility to raise our children righteously. As President Boyd K Packer said, the greatest eternal work we ever do will be within the walls of our home. Our greatest success is what happens with our family. We must lovingly teach and strengthen each other in Christ.

This is such a devastating tool of the devil. So many lives have been hurt through this evilness. There is not a session of General Conference that does not address this problem. Many who are ensnared by this dark addiction feel lost and hopeless. I think it is impossible to break free without the help of our Savior. The devil wants people to feel despair and hopeless in their sins, but our Lord Jesus Christ can help overcome even the worst destructive addiction. Agency is a gift, and exercising it righteously is a challenge. We have the amazing gift of the Atonement of Jesus Christ to help us repent and to redeem us.
Perhaps one of the worst effects of pornography is that those images do not easily leave the mind. The brain remembers. But having faith in the Savior and repenting will bring peace again. The power of the atonement also brings peace to those who are innocent but still hurt by the evils of pornography. Wives and children who suffer agony through a loved one’s addiction can receive peace and strength.

Heavenly Father loves us so much that He has given us the ability to talk to Him. We can be humble and receive great inspiration through prayer. Prayer is a great gift. It is a gift we should use frequently. The evil one would like us to feel unworthy of prayer, but that is not ever true. Heavenly Father will always listen to us. He loves us, even when we are not perfect. It is through prayer that we can be closer to Him and to His son, Jesus Christ. We will be strengthened and lifted up. We will receive guidance and our prayers will be answered if we pray in faith. Of course, we do not have an eternal perspective. That is another reason we need to pray. Heavenly Father knows us and knows what is best for our eternal progression. We need to develop faith to accept His will as we pray.

Trial and Tribulation
Sometime life is just so hard. Sometimes I am overcome with sadness and exhaustion. Sometimes things happen that bring anguish and sorrow so heavy and horrid. I am thankful that no matter what happens, I never need be alone. Heavenly Father is mindful of me. My Savior Jesus Christ knows me and loves me too. He understands all of my anguish. I can pray and receive peace. Desiring to have faith and understanding and courage and praying for it will help.
It also helps, when dealing with trials and tribulations, to remember that “thine afflictions shall be but a small moment” D&C 121:7 and “all these things shall give thee experience, and shall be for thy good.” Ether 6:4

Education is a necessary part of this life. There is never a time when we should say, “It is enough. I know enough and now I can relax.” Our prophets have counseled us to continue learning and to get as much education as possible. Whatever means we have, there are always ways we can better ourselves and increase our knowledge. Our knowledge is a treasure we can bring with us to Heaven. Money means nothing in the eternal scheme. I feel blessed to be part of a program brought about to bless the members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I know it is an inspired program. It is exciting knowing that I can still achieve my educational goal. Jesus wants us to learn and become more capable of tending His sheep.

Kindness, Peace Making, Compassion, Charity
Everyone has known unkind people. It is demoralizing and depressing to be the victim of mean people. We must decide who we want to be. We should choose to be kind and care for others. We should look for opportunities to serve and make tense situations peaceful. We need to develop compassion and make charity a part of our lives. All of these attributes are things we can choose to develop. When I find myself disliking people and finding fault in them, or even just being uncomfortable around them, I need to remind myself to work on these wonderful qualities. I want to be remembered as one who is kind, who is a peace maker, and who shows compassion and charity to all around her.

Our loving Heavenly Father has an eternal perspective. We do not even know what our mortal life will hold, or what we will need, let alone understanding what we need to become to progress through eternity. Thankful our Father in Heaven has given us direction. We have scripture and living prophets to lead us. We have the blessing of the Holy Ghost to inspire and guide us. It is up to us to use our agency to be obedient to the commandments of God. Obedience will bring us more freedom and safety and happiness. I am so thankful for the gospel and for the guidance provided by my Father in Heaven.

Receiving Inspiration Precept Upon Precept
I have always loved the concept of receiving inspiration one bit at a time. Precept upon precept we can be taught and our testimonies strengthened. Testimonies are a gift, and they can be taken away if we choose not to live righteously. Inspiration is an exciting wonderful blessing. I have felt the joy in recognizing inspiration. Like a light being turned on in my head, I feel happiness and clarity when I recognize it for what it is. It is interesting that inspiration is easy to miss. I have to be aware and ready to catch it. Then I have to write it down in my journal. If I don’t’ write it down, it is taken away from me. Writing down my thoughts and feelings when I receive inspiration is a sign to the Lord that I treasure it. If I treasure that inspiration and desire more, I know that the Lord will continue to teach me through inspiration, precept upon precept, one step at a time.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Beware Anger

"There is another serious thing to which many young men become addicted. This is anger. With the least provocation they explode into tantrums of uncontrolled rage. It is pitiful to see someone so weak. But even worse, they are prone to lose all sense of reason and do things which bring later regret...
As the writer of Proverbs has said, “He that is slow to anger is better than the mighty; and he that ruleth his spirit than he that taketh a city” (Prov. 16:32).
If you have a temper, now is the time to learn to control it. The more you do so while you are young, the more easily it will happen. Let no member of this Church ever lose control of himself in such an unnecessary and vicious manner. Let him bring to his marriage words of peace and composure." "Live Worthy of the Girl You Will Someday Marry" by Gordon B. Hinckley April 1998 General Conference

Thursday, May 23, 2013


I don't have a place yet for this quote but it reminds me of the need to forgive those I fear or those I resent.

"Many of you, as I have, have felt fear in approaching someone you have offended or who has hurt you. And yet I have seen the Lord melt hearts time after time, including my own. And so I challenge you to go for the Lord to someone, despite any fear you may have, to extend love and forgiveness. I promise you that as you do, you will feel the love of the Savior for that person and His love for you, and it will not seem to come from a great distance. For you, that challenge may be in a family, it may be in a community, or it may be across a nation.
But if you go for the Lord to bless others, He will see and reward it. If you do this often enough and long enough, you will feel a change in your very nature through the Atonement of Jesus Christ. Not only will you feel closer to Him, but you will also feel more and more that you are becoming like Him. Then, when you do see Him, as we all will, it will be for you as it was for Moroni when he said: “And now I bid unto all, farewell. I soon go to rest in the paradise of God, until my spirit and body shall again reunite, and I am brought forth triumphant through the air, to meet you before the pleasing bar of the great Jehovah, the Eternal Judge of both quick and dead. Amen.”Moroni 10:34."
“Where is the Pavilion?” October 2012 General Conference by President Henry B Eyring